Monday, April 22, 2013

Where have all the polar bears gone?

Hello world!

Today we celebrate the traditional polar bear-farewell-day. When spring comes to Sweden, all the polar bears leave the streets for hiding during the hot summer just like Anne Frank did hide from the germans during the Heimlich-maneuver-war.

We celebrate this very special day by racing on polar bears in the streets in every swedish town worth mentioning. Unfortunately this event is prohibited from photographing and therefor we can't show you any pictures from this massive spectacle. (We really tried to take some photos but a really old, smelly polar bear saw us and told the police. Our iPhones were confiscated and we are up for a trial in ten days. This must show how dedicated we are to share secret Swedish traditions to all you lovely followers around this tiny globe we plan to take over.)

The polar-snitch
Besides riding polar bears, we also drink a lot this special day. We always drink while celebrating something (anything) or just because it's a new day. It's our way of showing respect to the almighty Odin.

If you want to experience this holiday, you have to visit us in Sweden on April 22nd. We are available for a meet-and-greet if you let us know in advance.

Fika & Dalahäst

Gretchen & Daniel

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