If you're thinking of going to Sweden, you might wanna know a bit about the weather here. Therefor we want to inform you what the typical weather report looks like.
Today we have a temperature between -10°C and +18,5°C. The sun is shining with a few clouds blocking it. There's a chance of heavy storms blowing in from the south and/or snow coming from the north. If neither storms nor snow comes, be sure to carry an umbrella because there's a huge possibility that it will rain and/or hail instead.
Typical Swedish weather |
So if you're thinking of coming to Sweden, don't get fooled by cheap flight tickets, because you're gonna have to pay a lot extra for your luggage since you need to pack winter jackets, bikinis, umbrellas, boots, sandals, rain coats and electric blankets. 10 kg is not enough for that shit, you need to pay at least like $1000 in overweight fees.
Fika & Dalahäst,
Daniel & Gretchen
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