Friday, June 14, 2013

Why do lesbians want to look ugly?

Dear reader!

Today I met a lesbian in the street and she scared me. Why, you might ask? Well, she was quite large (something we are severely appalled by in Sweden since most of us are very skinny), covered in piercing a and with green highlights in her hair. 

That made me think about why anyone wants to do that to themselves? I mean this girl could look really pretty if she list some weight, removed half of her piercings and got a different hair cut. Mascara and lipgloss wouldn't have killed her either to be honest. 

I was equally appalled and chocked because in my world we always try to look our best and therefor I expect for everyone else to do the same. 

If you are a lesbian and if you do look ugly, can you please explain why you do it?

Looking forward to reading your answers.

Fika & Dalahäst

/Gretchen for Fab Life Sweden

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